Heart to Health Summit March 14, 2024

MARCH 14, 2024 7PM EST/ 4PM PST

Heart to Health Summit


March 14, 2024


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Are you tired of quick-fix solutions and dead-end relationships that leave you unfulfilled? True wholeness - in life, love, and wellness - comes from aligning your mind, body, and soul.

Join transformational Coach Elle and Healthspan Guide Haleh for the revolutionary "Heart to Health" virtual

summit on March 14.

During this groundbreaking online event, you'll learn to:

Cultivate sustainable self-care habits that nourish you deeply

Identify and release emotional blocks keeping you stuck in unhealthy patterns

Tap into your intuition to guide your journey to self-love and partnership

Create an integrated lifestyle of wholeness, radiance and healthy relationships

Don't keep settling for surface-level change or mediocre connections. This summit gives you a heart-centered approach for lasting wellness and fulfillment on all levels - including the love you deserve.


An Integrated Approach for Whole-Life Wellbeing

True health and true love are multi-dimensional - they arise from the unity of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wholeness. But how can you achieve that unity when you're pulled in so many directions?

At the "Heart to Health" summit, Elle and Haleh will guide you through their transformative mind-body-spirit methodology to pave your path to radiant wellbeing and healthy relationships, including:

Morning routines to start your day aligned and intentional

Processing and releasing pent-up emotional weights

Intuitive movement and nutrition to care for your body's needs

Self-love is the key to calling in the sacred union you desire

Journaling and self-reflection to tap your inner wisdom

Thrive in a Life You Love

Through Radical Self-Care

Close your eyes and imagine...your ideal partnership, a love that lights up your soul. A life brimming with energy, purpose, joy and deep intimacy. What if that vision could become your reality?

The "Heart to Health" summit will give you the integrated tools to manifest the life and love you want to be living. As you implement Haleh and Elle's heart-centered practices, you'll find yourself naturally:

Prioritizing self-care and relationships that nurture your essenceSetting boundaries that honor your energy, spirit and self-worthAligning your lifestyle with values like compassion, presence and respectRadiating positive vibrations that attract your ideal partner and opportunitiesMaking choices from a place of self-love, not fear or scarcity

This is the power of profound self-care and self-attunement. When you bring your whole self into harmony, you heal core wounds and naturally become a magnet for mutually empowered relating.

Don't keep playing by anyone else's rules - join the "Heart to Health" movement and start creating the soulful love and life you deserve!

This is the power of profound self-care and self-attunement. When you bring your whole self into harmony, you begin to vibrate at the frequency of your greatest life.

Meet your coach

Elle Ebizadeh

Certified Laser Coach, Conscious Uncoupling Coach

Embark on an electrifying journey of self-discovery and transformation with Elle, a beacon of empowerment and personal growth.

As a seasoned explorer of the human spirit, Elle illuminates the path to resilience, guiding individuals through uncharted emotional territories with her transformative expertise in

“Calling In “The One”, “Laser, Coaching”, and “Conscious Uncoupling”.

Picture an adventure, where individuals are invited to uncover their inner strength, navigate life transitions, and emerge as their own heroes.

Elle’s riveting narratives, drawn from real life triumphs over adversity, resonates deeply, offering actionable strategies and inspiring tales that captivate people who are seeking empowerment and self realization.

meet your healthspan Guide

Haleh Houshim

From the ashes of adversity, I rebuilt my life with hope and strength.

The fabric of my life was woven with challenges – from a devastating revolution to the trials of domestic violence, from the mystery of a chronic illness to the peak of becoming a 2X best-selling author.

I AM living proof that no matter the struggles, we can pull through it to become stronger, wiser, and more determined.

I AM on a mission to impact billions of lives. By sharing the message that we can all Live Longer, Stronger, and choose to Live Without Limits. I invite you to join me in this movement to redefine health on your terms, embrace a future where every experience proves the power of Persistence and brings the gift of Optimal Health.

Your past does not define you; it no longer exists. But it prepares you to soar to new heights and claim the vibrant health we all deserve.

Are you ready to be part of a movement to create your own health destiny? Let's connect and make a lasting impact on this world and the Universe around us!

Don't miss this premium training!

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